EcoPorts ECO SLC and Sustainable ESG Collaboration

EcoPorts, ECO Sustainable Logistics Chain Foundation (SLC) are a not-for-profit organisation providing a framework for environmental and sustainable management that is based on global standards such as ISO14001 but tailored for ports and terminals.

With over 142 ports and terminals participating globally, the network offers a significant platform for sharing practical experience in applying this management system and its continuous sustainable improvement process.

Since introducing EcoPorts EcoSLC to the Oceania region in 2018 our Managing Director, Jackie Spiteri has worked closely with Herman Journee Chairman of the ECOSLC Foundation and Dr Chris Wooldridge Science Cooridinator ECOSLC, advocating for ports in the region to participate in the program. The region has seen excellent growth with nine ports that now are members of the network.

Current ports participating include:

  1. Port of Newcastle
  2. Geelong Port
  3. Port of Bernie – TasPorts
  4. Port of Devon Port – TasPorts
  5. Port of Hobart – TasPorts
  6. Port of Bell Bay – TasPorts
  7. Port of Townsville
  8. Port of MacKay – North Queensland Bulk Ports
  9. Gladstone Ports


At SESG we are excited to be continuing to work with EcoPorts EcoSLC, having signed an MOU and Statement of Intent to formally collaborate and further extend the network of participating Ports and Terminals in Oceania.

EcoPorts EcoSLC provides a two staged approach to positive environmental and sustainable practice with the initial Self Diagnosis Stage (SDM) and the Port Environmental Review System (PERS), the only port sector specific environmental standard.

The SDM stage consists of three key parts, an initial SDM checklist completed by the port to detail their current environmental approaches and understand and reflect on environmental risk. Part two includes a comparison against sector peers and finally a confidential SDM review is completed, providing expert advice and customised recommendations.

Developed by ports for ports, the Port Environmental Review System (PERS) has firmly established its reputation as the only port sector specific environmental management standard.

The Port Environmental Review System (PERS) doesn’t only incorporate the main general requirements of recognised environmental and sustainable management standards, but also takes into account the specificities of ports. PERS is independently reviewed by Lloyd’s Register, LRQA, Netherlands.

An image showing container ships with logos of SESG, EcoPorts, and ECO SLC.
Click on the ECOSLC website link to learn more