Partnering for a Brighter Future.

The Jane Goodall Institute Australia (JGIA) JGIA was founded in 2007 and is an Australian non-profit and registered environmental organisation.

The JGIA Philosophy is centred on the inter-connectedness of Animals, People and the Environment (APE) with a Purpose to “inspire actions that connect people with animals and our shared environment.

JGIA works to promote the conservation of chimpanzees, their habitat and surrounding communities as part of their Africa Program and empower the next generation to be socially and environmentally conscious global citizens as part of our Roots & Shoots Program.

Sustainable ESG (SESG) is an ESG advisory consultancy working with companies to provide methods for integration of sustainable practice to enable credible and genuine business transformation.

We are committed to sustainable economic development, creating long term value for both businesses and community stakeholders. SESG has committed to donating proceeds from each of its projects to support meaningful action.

In April 2022 SESG entered a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with JGIA to develop and maintain an ongoing relationship between the two organisations that will seek to support the important work that is being undertaken by JGIA.  Support from SESG can be in the form of financial contributions and also volunteering time and resources to support JGIA initiatives.

With JGIA as one of our charity partners, SESG has donated a total of $2210 during  2022 to the not-for-profit registered environmental organisation.

An image featuring the text "Jane Goodall Institute Australia" with two monkeys.
Click on the ECOSLC website link to learn more